Thursday 22 May 2014

End of Module Evaluation

Over this year my practice has really taken change of direction. I thought that I a designer interested slightly and branding and packaging, but mainly my passion lied with illustration. In my statement of intent I made it clear that I wanted to take on briefs that would allow me to experiment with pattern design. Looking on this is really not what I have become specialised in. I now see myself as a designer with a passion for brand identity and packaging within commercial lifestyle brands.  I didn't complete all the briefs that I set myself out to do as I as time went on I felt they were not going to push my practice. However, on the other hand there were some briefs that I did undertake and wish I hadn't. For example I completed the secret 7" brief but don't feel like it really informed my design and didn't stimulate my practice. I have learnt not to do briefs unless it is within an area that I really enjoy. This year I have thrived upon collaboration with the course and cross college. Collaborating has given me more confident that I am a key team player and enjoy working in a social environment. This has also informed me of where I see myself working. Back in September I would have said that I would prefer to work within a small independent, now I see myself working for afast-paced company, maybe even as an in-house designer. 

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
My web and digital skills have really improved this year. In the past I would have never classed myself as digital designer, but I was determined to develop this skill. Especially as I want to work in a bigger company, I think it is important to have a variation of skills. In my statement of intent I never set myself website briefs but after doing some brand identity for Lucinda Popp, a knitwear designer, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to give it a go. Coding my own website also gave me confidence that I could get better at it. 

I think my presentation skills have become better. Not just on design boards but also in my packaging finish. The YCN Champneys brief with Jenna Morse was a real turning point for me in terms of realising my real passion for packaging. We wanted the products to be well crafted and look professional. I think with process we went through with the marbling and vacuum forming, we managed to succeed. But it didn't stop at the packaging. I have also improved my photography and art direction skills. In past modules I have always ruined my final products by not photographing them well or in context. The Marks and Spencer’s brief allowed me to apply the packaging to a campaign and experiment with food photography. I have realised that I enjoy branding and packaging briefs that allow me to go from print to web. 

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
This year I think I have tried to produce more concept driven work. A lot of my briefs in my statement of intent were based around aesthetics which is why I decided not take them on. I think I started to approach briefs more conceptually and seriously after Elmwood came and set us a live brief. Even though I didn't particularly like the work I produced, the designers made it very clear that we should approach the brief with a light-hearted tone an original idea. I think in the past I have also worked with an aesthetic influence rather than ideas based. I have learned that having a strong concept can push the brief much further give more depth to the end products. In terms of branding, this approach has informed my design dramatically. Working collaboratively I have had to alter my approach slightly. When working on my own, I have to take longer making decisions and normally go with what I personally think is a good idea. Working with someone else has made me a quicker decision maker and more sure of my practice. Also sometimes it can be hard to balance out the workload, therefore I have had to take a more organised and less selfish approach to make the sure work gets done and we both have an equal contribution. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise these?
I think I am quite an organised person and this comes through in my practice. I also think this is why I have taken such an interest with HTML and CSS. I like solving problems and sorting things into categories, this relates to organising a web page layout and the navigation. I think strength of mine is working at a fast pace. Once I have an idea, especially if it is packaging based, I am keen to get started. Even though I like the digital aspects, my real passion lies with creating different packaging and applying branding. I feel that having a wide range of interests within design is only a benefit and I am glad that I try a different range of briefs rather than attaching myself to one principle. 

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

It isn't necessarily a weakness but I feel that a lot of my work is directed at a female audience and very feminine. I do enjoy working for this audience however I think I could expand my practice by doing more unisex briefs. The M&S brief got more interested in food packaging so this is something I want to explore of in the future. 

Attendance- 5      Quantity of work produced- 4
Punctuality- 5         Quality of work produced- 5
Motivation- 5         Contribution to the group- 5
Commitment- 5

Tuesday 20 May 2014

COP Book

I decided to design my cop book so it was based on things coming together. This year it has all been about it coming together and I feel that I have realised that I work better in a team. The book starts with design based information and then if you turn the book up side down, it goes onto real life influences. Therefore it is the idea of real life meets design. 

For the online purpose, the content is all the same way up so it is readable. 

M&S Picnic//Evaluation

This is the most recent brief I have done and I feel like I really pushed it for a successful outcome. Over the past year I have been working on my branding and packaging skills and I think that this brief shows how I have applied this skill set. The concept was copy led, communicating light-hearted tennis related taglines such as 'Murray Mints'. However I think the execution and colour way balanced out the tone and gave it a sophisticated finish. The contemporary look I have gone for fits the Marks and Spencers criteria and I think it would appeal to the older audience as well as the younger customers. 

PT Yearbook//Boards

Monday 19 May 2014

Personal Branding//Promo Pack

Personal Branding//Evaluation

I have designed each page of my website using the same layout. I think consistency is important as it reflects me as a designer. The logo remains in the same place and I think it sits well in the left hand corner against the white background. I am much happy with my branding this year and feel that it is a more valid reflection as me as a person as well as a designer. I have created the promo pack so that it fits into rectangle pull out envelope. The envelope net fits on an A4 piece of paper so that it is cheaper for me to make a lot of packs. A circle is cut out so that the logo from the CV shows through. This adds an interactive element to my pack which represents my personal practice. The pack is very clean and simple but I like this aesthetic as it is easy to understand.